What & Why: Product Master Post
Though I've added many foods back comfortably that once gave me anaphylaxis, I haven't approached the beloved corn yet. Yet. If you're reading this and living with the same allergy, hopefully this list will orient or inspire you in some way. If you are not currently corn-allergic, note that all of these items are pretty organic --you might have your fancy struck. Keep in mind, I'm what the kids call "corn lite". For me, this means that cross-contamination is much less of an issue than it is for most. However, I have had anaphylactic reactions to exposure. (One day, I will munch on this grain again!) Please be sure to check the ingredients to see if they're right for you, before buying. Hygiene Shampoo and Conditioner : Lavender Shampoo and Body Wash , and matching conditioner from Carina Organics. I also use their Sweet Pea stuff, but I could probably make do with any of their original line. Some key ingredients include saponified coconut, apple ...